Kiss Anime Initial D
Kiss Anime Initial D
Kiss Anime is a popular website that offers free streaming of anime shows and movies. One of the anime series that can be watched on Kiss Anime is Initial D, a racing anime that follows the adventures of Takumi Fujiwara, a high school student who delivers tofu for his father's shop using his father's Toyota Sprinter Trueno AE86. Takumi soon becomes involved in the world of street racing, where he faces various challengers and rivals with his exceptional driving skills.
Initial D First Stage (Dub)
Initial D First Stage is the first season of the anime adaptation of Initial D, which aired from 1998 to 1999. It covers the first five volumes of the manga, and introduces the main characters and their cars. The first season has 26 episodes, and can be watched on Kiss Anime in dubbed version. The dubbing is done by Tokyopop, and features different names and music from the original Japanese version.
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Initial D on Crunchyroll
Crunchyroll is another website that offers streaming of anime shows and movies. It has the license to stream Initial D in its original Japanese version, with subtitles in various languages. Crunchyroll has all the seasons of Initial D, from First Stage to Final Stage, as well as the movies and spin-offs. Crunchyroll also provides more information and news about Initial D and its creator, Shuichi Shigeno. Crunchyroll is a legal and official source of watching Initial D online.
Initial D is a classic anime series that appeals to fans of racing and cars. It has a realistic and thrilling depiction of street racing, as well as a compelling story and characters. Kiss Anime and Crunchyroll are two websites that allow fans to watch Initial D online for free. Kiss Anime has the dubbed version of Initial D First Stage, while Crunchyroll has the original Japanese version of all the seasons and movies. Both websites are easy to use and have high-quality videos.